Wednesday, June 10, 2020

New Longman Vistas Class: 4 Ch- 4(The Northern Plains)

New Longman Vistas- 4

Social Science

Chapter 4 – The Northern Plains



Exercise A(Choose the correct answer)

1. The River Yamuna is not a tributary of River Indus.

2. River Ganga meets with River Yamuna at the city of Allahabad

3. Basin is an area watered by a river and its tributaries.

4. The Bhakra Nangal dam is built on River Satluj.

5. The soil of the Northren Plain is known as Alluvial.


Exercise B(Answer these questions).


Q.1. Why are the northern plains fertile? Which crops are grown here?

Ans. The northern Plains have been formed by three major rivers and their tributaries- Indus, Ganga, Brahmaputra. These rivers bring along minerals, rocks and silt from the mountains and deposit them on their banks and surrounding areas. As a result the soil of the Northern Plains is very fertile.

                    Crops grown in the northern Plains are wheat, Rice, Sugarcane, Cotton, Oilseeds, Maize, Jute, etc


Q.2. Name the major basins of the Northern Plains.

Ans. There are three major basins of the northern plains.

        They are:        1. Indus Basin

                               2. Ganga Basin

                               3. Brahmaputra Basin


Q.3. The Northern Plains are thickly populated. Why?

Ans. The northern plains are thickly populated because the northern plains are extremely fertile. They produce large quantities of food crops. Many factories have come up along the banks of the rivers of northern plains. Several towns and cities like Kolkata, Patna, Agra, Allahabad, Varanasi etc have come up in these plains.


Q.4. Name major tributaries of River Ganga.

Ans. The major tributaries of River Ganga are Gandak, Gomti, Ghaghara, Kosi, Chambal, Sind, Betwa, and Son.


Q.5. Which states of India are located on the Indus Basin?

Ans. In India, the Indus basin covers the states of Punjab and Haryana. Both these states are drained mainly by River Satluj.


Exercise C(State whether these statements are True or False).


1.  The Gangasagar dam is built on the River Satluj.(False)

2.  River Ganga originates from the Gangotri glacier.(True)

3. River Ganga divides into River Jamuna and River Padma on entering West      Bengal. (False)

4.  River Brahmaputra originates in Tibet.(True)

5.  A tributary is a small river that flows and merges into bigger river.(True)


Exercise D(Match the columns)


1. Basin                           (b) An area watered by a river.

2. Tributary                      (a) A small river

3. Sunderban                  (e) delta in the River Ganga

4. Tsangpo                      (c) name of Brahmaputra in Tibet.

5.  Alluvial                       (d) a type of soil


Exercise E(Think and answer)


Q.1. What are the uses of dams that are built on major rivers?

Ans. A dam is useful in many ways-

           (a) Generation of Hydroelectricity

           (b) Irrigation

           (c) Fishing

           (d) Controls Flood


Q.2.  What measures should be taken to reduce the pollution of rivers?

Ans. We should adopt following practices to reduce the pollution of rivers-

           (a) Donot dump garbages in rivers.

           (b) Sewage treatment plants should be installed.

           (c)  Bathing and washing of clothes near water bodies should be avoided.

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