Saturday, June 6, 2020

New Longman Vistas Class- 5 Chapter 2(Latitudes and Longitudes)

Class: V

             Social Science 

 Ch 2 – Latitudes and Longitudes


Exercise A(Match the columns)

1.     661/2 degree North             Arctic Circle

2.     231/2degree South             Tropic of Capricorn

3.     231/2degree North             Tropic of Cancer

4.     0 degree                               Equator

Exercise B(Fill in the blanks)

1.     (b)Equator

2.     (b)South Pole

3.     (a)Tropic of Cancer

4.     (d)Antarctic Circle

5.     (b)Grid

Exercise C(Answer these questions)

Ans: 1. The imaginary lines that run from east to west are called latitudes. These lines are parallel to each other.

The important latitudes are:

a.     Equator(0°)

b.     Tropic of Cancer(231/2°N)

c.      Tropic of Capricorn(231/2°S)

d.     Arctic Circle(661/2°N)

e.     Antarctic Circle(661/2°S)



Ans:2. The important features of latitudes are:    ( page no: 9)




Ans:3. Longitudes and Latitudes form a network of lines called a grid. It helps us to locate places on a globe.



Ans:4.  An imaginary line 180° longitude is usually known as International Date Line. It is not a straight line because it passes through many islands in the pacific Ocean.

                                    When we from east to west of the international dateline or the 180 degree meridian we gain a day.  When we move from west to east of the 180 degree longitude, we lose a day.



Ans: 5. Grid helps us to locate the places on a map. A point at which a latitude and longitude cross each other is the exact location of that place.



Ans:6Difference between Latitudes and Longitudes are-



Exercise D(Think and Answer)


Equator is also known as the Great Circle because it is the longest latitude and it passes through the exact centre of the Earth and divides it in two equal half.


Exercise E(Label the important latitude)


(Draw it in fair copy)



New Longman Vistas Class- 5 chapter 3(Weather and Climate)

 Social Science - Class: V
Ch 3 – Weather and Climate 

Exercise A (Choose the correct answer)

1. (a) Torrid Zone

2. (b) Temperate Zone

3. (b) Frigid Zone

4. (a) Land breeze

5. (a) Cold

6. (b) Direct

7. (a) Three

Exercise B(Answer these questions)

Ans 1. Difference between weather and climate:


Ans 2. The factors that determine the climate of a place are:

                                (i)   Latitude(Distance from the Equator)

                               (ii)  Altitude

                            (iii) Distance from the sea

                            (iv) Direction of the wind

                            (v) Rainfall and Humidity









(i) Latitude(Distance from the Equator)

The climate of a place is affected by its distance from the Equator. The Places near the Equator receives direct sunlight thus become very hot and humid  but the places far from the equator or at higher latitude receives slanting sunrays thus have moderate climate.



(ii) Altitude

As we move to higher altitudes climate remains cool. So places situated at these altitudes experience cool climate in summer also .For example- Hill stations like Shimla, Kullu-Manali etc .

        On the other hand places situated at lower altitudes(near plains) are hot in summers and cold in winters. For example- Bihar, Delhi etc.

(iii) Distance from the sea

The climate of a place is also affected by its distance from the sea. Places which are situated far away from the sea are hot in summers and cold in winters but the places situated near to the sea have moderate climate during summer and winter.

                                    This is because of the land and sea breezes which occur in the coastal regions. 

(iv) Direction of the wind

The direction from which winds blow also affect the climate of a place. Winds blowing over from regions which are hot tend to increase the temperature of a place, similarly winds coming from regions which are cold tend to decrease the temperature of a place.

(v) Rainfall and humidity

Humidity also affects the climate of a place as it causes rainfall. Places near coastal areas are more humid because the winds blowing over these areas originate from the sea. On the other hand Climate in the deserts is extremely hot because they receive little or no rainfall because winds blowing in desert regions are dry and have no moisture.


Ans 3. The areas with similar climatic conditions are grouped into different Heat Zones.

Based on the heat received from the Sun, The Earth is divided into three Heat Zones.

These are:

(a) The Torrid Zone    (b) The Temperate Zone    (c) The Frigid Zone

Ans 4. Temperate zone receives the moderate sunlight in both the hemisphere hence the places that comes under temperate zones have moderate type of climate. The places remain neither too hot nor too cold.

                                         But, Frigid Zone near poles in both hemisphere receives slanting rays and very less heat from the sun therefore it remains frigid throughout the year and thus experience very cold climate.


Ans 5. The areas with similar climatic conditions are grouped into different Heat Zones.

Based on the heat received from the Sun, The Earth is divided into three Heat Zones.

These are:

(a) The Torrid Zone    (b) The Temperate Zone    (c) The Frigid Zone



(a) Torrid Zone: The area between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn is known as the Torrid Zone. This region experiences direct sunrays of the sun throughout the year thus remains very hot and humid throughout the year. This zone has tropical climate.  Some of the countries which lies in torrid zone are Southern India, Indonesia, Northern Australia, Africa etc.


(b) Temperate Zone: This zone lie between the Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere and between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Antarctic Circle in the southern hemisphere. This zone gets the slanting rays of the Sun as the angle of the Sun’s rays goes on decreasing towards the Poles. Thus this zone experiences moderate climate.

Some of the countries which lies in temperate zone are USA, Russia, Australia etc


(c) Frigid Zone: The frigid zone lies between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole and between the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole. This zone is also known as the Polar region. Since it receives the extreme slanting rays of the Sun, the temperature is extremely low throughout the year. This is the reason why the polar regions are generally covered with ice.

Canada, Alska, Greenland, Antarctica etc lies in this zone.


Exercise C(Think and answer)

South pole lies in the Frigid zone. It experiences slanting rays of the sun for few months. Thus South pole experiences  extreme cold throughout the year.