Wednesday, June 3, 2020

New Longman Vistas Class -4 chapter 2(The Northern Mountains) solutions

Ch 2: The Northern Mountains

Exercise (Solutions)

Exercise A(Choose the correct answer)
1.     (a) Karakoram
2.     (c) a range
3.     (a) Mount Everest
4.     (a) Manali
5.     (c) Tarai

Exercise B(Answer these questions)

Ans: 1 The Northern Mountains are formed by three parallel mountain ranges.
  They are:    (i) The Greater Himalayas(Himadri)                        (ii) The Middle Himalayas(Himachal)                        (iii) The Outer Himalayas(Shiwalik)


Ans:2  The Northern Mountains form a barrier which affects the climate of our country. It stops the monsoon winds and cause heavy rainfall. The regions in the the greater Himalayas(Himadri) experiences extreme cold. While in Middle and lower Himalayas people experience pleasant weather. 


Ans:3   A root through a mountain range is called a mountain Pass.
For example- Zoji La, Shipki La Nathu La passes are in the northern mountains. The word ‘LA’ means Pass.
These passes are used by the people to cross mountains.


Ans:4  The Northern Mountains form a barrier for the monsoon winds. They intercept the monsoon winds coming from Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. Thus causes rainfall in our country.


Ans:5  The Northern Mountains have dense forests and great number of wild animals. The forests in the Middle Himalayan range have tigers,  leopards,  rhinoceros, and many other varieties of deer. While the forests in the Outer Himalayan Range have Hyena, Jackals, elephants etc.
                        Due to rich forest and wildlife resources the Northern Mountains have many national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. 


Ans:6   Definitions
a)     Valley:  A valley is a low lying area between two hills or mountains.
b)    Tarai: The foothills of the Himalayas are called Tarai.
c)     Glacier: Glaciers are slow-moving rivers of ice.
d)    Pass: A root through a mountain range is called a mountain Pass.

Exercise:C(State whether these statements are TRUE or False)
1.     TRUE
2.     FALSE
3.     TRUE
4.     TRUE
5.     FALSE

Exercise D(Match the columns)
1.     Middle Himalayas-   Himachal
2.     Outer Himalayas-      Shiwalik
3.     K2                            -      Mount Godwin Austin
4.     Bachendri Pal       -     The first  Indian woman to climb Mount Everest
5.     Terrace Farming   -     the type of farming done on the slopes of the mountains

Exercise E (Think and Answer)
1.     The peaks of the Greater Himalayas are covered with snow because these mountain peaks are at very high altitude and at higher altitude the temperature remains low.
2.     Name the following:
a)     Khardung La(Ladakh)
b)    Mount Everest
c)     Gangotri
d)    Nainital/Mussoorie/Manali/Shimla
e)     Himadri

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